Nael Cement Product Factory

A one-stop solution for all our customers' concrete product requirements. Established in 2004, Nael Cement Products (NCP) has expanded its in-house capabilities to now house fully equipped Precast, Hollow-core, GRC/GRP, Masonry Block, Kerbstone, Roof-tile & Interlocking Paver Factories. NCP Al Ain is located on a state-of-the-art 2 compound, in the New ICAD Zone. Our high-quality production and work ethos has led us to become ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018, which highlights our commitment to quality and sustainability. NCP is a significant support division for the Nael Group of Companies and is one of the leading Cement Products Manufacturers in the UAE. NCP is also established in Djibouti, Africa, which is responsible for our international operations. NCPF Djibouti has expanded its capabilities to have its own Cement Manufacturing, Precast, and Block Factory. We aim to approach Construction Industry challenges with innovativeness and flexibility to serve all our clients' needs. NCP prides itself on achieving fast-track projects in a timely manner. Our work ethos envisages manufacturing premium quality concrete products at affordable prices that are of the highest quality. Our products are only as good as the people who work behind the scenes, and this has guided us towards a constant pursuit of excellence which has motivated us to hire the region's best available skilled professionals.