Corporate Social Responsibility

NGC is wary of the roots it came from. The ethos of our group has always been centered on the principle of serving society not only through project delivery but also through actions that aid the very society we choose to serve. NGC’s principle of Corporate Social Responsibility relies on attaining a balance between the Sustainable Development pillars - Society, Economy, and Environment - as stipulated in the UN Sustainable Development Charter. Our process flows and modes of operation aim to add value to our workforce and their families quality of life while ensuring that the local community and holistic society are augmented through the delivery of our projects. Our adopted collective sense of responsibility towards the planet has led us to adopt internationally accepted principles of raw-material sourcing, responsible logistics, sustainable operations, and ethical waste management. We are committed to the targets set out via the UN Sustainable Development Goals paradigm and have set in motion our plans to realize positive and impactful change. The following is a glimpse of how we as a responsible organization approach Corporate Social Responsibility through our actions.


Social Commitment


Health & Safety

Team Development

Arts & Culture

Pedagogical Efforts

Collaborative Efforts